Monday, 10 December 2018


Wool: lana
Rubber: goma
Lifeboat: barco salvavidas
Leather: piel

Sunday, 9 December 2018


Ver las imágenes de origen

-What can I do that I couldn't do before
 I can do better  the translation.

-What do I like most?                                                                                   I like most doing speakings

-What do I do well?
I do well the vocabulary.

-What am I confused about?
 I confused with my pronuntation.

-What do I need help with?
I need help with the grammar.

-What do I do in English outside the class?
I study english in my house.

-What do I need to improve?
I need to improve my writing.

-What did I learn about culture?
I learn about culture in the sixties 

Tuesday, 27 November 2018


Case of Soraya Leiva ( discrimination against women):
The referee union denounces a new episode of machismo against a collegiate. It took place in a first Andalusian football game.
The arbitrators union has denounced the sexist insults to the assistant Soraya Leiva in a Senior Andalusian football match, in which they said things like "zo..", that women do not serve  "for nothing " and they urged her to go home and not be surrounded by boys.
 When she got to the locker room after the game, he collapsed and couldn't stop crying. She claims that someone went to her on the break in the following terms:  "We're going to put our di.. in your mouth so you don't call  referee anymore."
Ver las imágenes de origen

Ona Carbonell
She is a Spanish swimmer and captain of the Spanish synchronized swimming team.She is twenty eight years old.
She adds 20 medals in universal Championships and 34 in total.
Ver las imágenes de origen

Sunday, 25 November 2018


How many boats must a men has now?
Before he buy a shop
How many books must a men read now?
Before he go to the bed
How many friends must a men has got?
Before they go to school

How many sweets must a men buy now?
Before you have a cat
How many cars must you drive in your live?
Before I sleep in the ice
How many birds must a men cook now?

Before they are fly in the sky

Saturday, 24 November 2018

A) TO BENGIN WITH... (part 1)

Does sadness or melancholy belong to music? Or must music always make you happy or glad?

Yes the sadness and melacholy belong to music. 
No, it depends of the sentimental situation of the composer

Wednesday, 14 November 2018


1. How would you describe the "program music"?
It is the music that aims provoke ideas in the mind of the listener.

2. Choose one of this examples and do some reach about the composer:
I choose the Vivaldi´s Four Seasons. He called Antonio Lucio Vivaldi. He was born in 1678 in Venicia,Italy and he died in 1741 in Viena,Australia. He was a famous composer and he played the violin. 

3. Do you believe the composer transmits the tittle meaning in a good manner? Why?
Yes, because starts slowly, first is a one instrument and measure what "day" are joining more instruments


1. Which one do you prefer? Why? 
I prefer the third version because it has more rhythm and I like his voice and there is a time when he lets the public sing alone and thet causes good vibrates.

2. Who was Bob Dylan? 
Resultado de imagen de bob dylanHe is a singer and composer. He was born on May 24,1941. He is 77 years old. He sing folk rock, country rock, rock and roll, blues, blues rock. He was in the band Traveling Wilburys (1988-1990). He compused the song of blowing in the wind in ten minutes.

3. Writing about sixties (1960):
The sixties ended in 1969. In 1960 there was a lot of racism and women didn´t have rights. Highligted singers like Bob Dylan, The Beatles,The Rolling Stones, the Mamas & the Papas... There were hippies who were pacifits because they didn´t want more wars and this made them look calm.


2. What is endurance as basic physical capacity?

The resisteance is one of the four physical abilities. It is the ability to maintain a physical effort fot a long time.

Types of endurance:

Aerobic endurance: Is the ability of the body to function efficiently and carry sustained activities with little effort, little fatigue and a fast recovery

Resultado de imagen de triatlon

Anaerobic endurance: It refers to high intensety and short duration efforts. There is a lack of oxygen.

Imagen relacionada

Some training methods: 

Continuous race: Always run at the same pace. The heart rate is within the ZAS. Improves aerobic endurance. Example: 25 minutes of continuous running.
Fartlek: He or She runs making rhythm changes. Improves aerobic and anaerobic endurance. Example: 4 minutes slow 1 minute fasta, 4 minutes slow 1 minute fast...

2.1 How can I improve my endurance?

Runnig long distances at slow pace: This is a good cardiovascular exercise to increase physical endurance and burn fat.
Practice cycling and swimmig: These are also exercises characterized by the exercise of strenght and lung and cardiovascular capacity at the same time.
Practice anaerobic exercise: Exercise your muscular strenght with the work of weights, a strong muscular structure favors the physical endurance.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018


2. What is flexibility as basic physical capacity? 

Is the ability of the joints to perform movements as widely as possible. We have to keep in mind that flexibility doesn´t generate movement, but it makes it possible.


Joint mobility: The characteristics of each articulation determine the amplitude of the movements that can be achieved in each of them. The articulation has natural limits of movement.
Resultado de imagen de movilidad de las articulaciones

Muscle elasticity: Is the ability to enlarge the muscles and recover the initial position. Joint 
mobility: maximum degree of movement of each joint.

Resultado de imagen de que es la elasticidad muscular

Intermuscular coordination: The intermuscular coordination regulates the different degrees of muscular contraction thanks to a mechanism of sum of motor units. The muscle contraction can be regulated in two ways: Regulatin the number of motor units in action and regulation the frequency of nerve simulation 

Imagen relacionada



1. What is strenght as basic physical ability?
Is the ability to generate intramuscular tension against a resistance, regardless of whether or not it generates movement 


Maxium strenght: The maxium strenght is the greatest that the neuromuscular system can develop by means of a maxium voluntary contraction. The maxium force will be conditioned by some factors: the cross section of the muscle, the coordination of the muscles involved in the movement in question, and the intramuscular coordination
Imagen relacionada


Explosive strenght: It is a manifestation of the force that is based on generating as much force as possible in the shortest time without losing efficiency. For this reason this type of force is predominant in most team sports and in some individual sports modalities.

Imagen relacionada

Resistance: Is the ability to maintain strength or production during a given time, whose main objective is aimed at maintaining a good muscle tone.

Resultado de imagen de cycling


- Develops the muscular system.
- Increases muscletone, which helps to have a better body posture

- Injuries in joints and in the spine if a correct posture is not maitained in the execution of the different strength exercises.
- Negative incidence on bone growth if very high loads are applied at early ages

Sunday, 11 November 2018



Staff: pentagrama                                                 Play: tocar
Treble clef: clave de sol                                        Noise: ruido
Recorder: flauta dulce                                          Pitch: altura
Note: nota                                                             High-pitched: agudo
Rest: silencio (como símbolo del pentagrama)    Low-pitched: grave
Silence: silencio (en general)                               Melody: melodia
Whole note: redonda                                            Duration: duracion
Half note: blanca                                                  Long: largo
Quarter note: negra                                              Short: corto
Eight note: corchea                                              Choir: coro
Tone: tono                                                            Chord: acorde
Accidentals: alteraciones                                     Semitone: semitono
Flat: bemol                                                           Sharp: sostenido
Guitar: guitarra                                                     Keyboard: teclado
Fret: traste                                                            String: cuerda
Interval: intervalo                                                  Bass: bajo
Ascendig: ascendente                                          Major scale: escala mayor
Descending: descendente

Friday, 9 November 2018


- stepmother : madrastra
- stepfather : padrastro
- niece : sobrina 
- nephew : sobrino
- whisper : susurrar

- hoodie: sudadera con capucha
- tracksuit: chandal

Friday, 8 June 2018


High jump is a sport where one muust jump from omly one foot, over a supported bar wich is raised higher as the competition goes on. If the jumper doesn´t make it over, or kocks off the high jump bar the jumper gains a foul.
The eaelist high jump event was in the 1800s in Scotland.
High jump been included in the Olympic games since 1896.
In the high jump there is a bar an a mat on wich you fall

Monday, 4 June 2018


Bald: A person who has not got hair
Freckles. Pecas
Of avarege height: De media altura
Baggy:  pantalón ancho
Hoodie: capucha


Spicy: It´s a hot food
A purse: It´s a small bag where you keep your money
Canvas: It is a paper fastened by a wooden structure
Add: Añadir
Chop: Trocear


He is a Real Madrid football player. He is tall and slim. He has got short, straight, brown hair. He has got small brown eyes and a small nose. He is wearing a Real Madrid t-shirt.




                      - Semi-skimmed milk
                      - Banana
                      - Strawberry

                     - Yougurt without sugar
                     - Banana
                     - Strawberry
                     - Apple


              - YOUGURT:

  1.  Put the yougurt in the bowl 
  2. Cut the fruit
  3. Put the fruit in the bowl
  4. Remove the yougurt and fruit
  5. We eat the yougurt   

            - MILKSHAKE:

    Put the semi-skimmed milk in a glass Cut the strawberries and bananas Put the fruit in the glass And shake the semi-skimmed milk and the fruit in a glass Get a other glass and put the milkshake in there
     Put the semi-skimmed milk in a glass
    1. Cut the strawberries and bananas
    2. Put the fruit in the glass
    3. And shake the semi-skimmed milk and the fruit in a glass
    4. Get a other glass and put the milkshake in there

Tuesday, 15 May 2018


    Shepard Fairey

Friday, 4 May 2018


Extra time: Próroga
Nutmegging: Caño
Corner kick: Corner, saque de esquina
Penalty: Penalti
Referee: Árbitro
Out: Fuera
Empate : Tie

Resultado de imagen de SERGIO RAMOS JUGANDO

Sunday, 29 April 2018


Is a pictoral technique consisting in the use of small regular toches of pure color, juxtaposed or interspersed in such a way that when viewed from a suitable distance they seem to react together optically in the eye of the spactator, creating effects of brights colours.
The creator of this technique was Seurat, who takingadvantage of the discioveries of Chevreue, reduces its palette to ensure the benefist of the luminosity without getting to mix dyes with each other.
Signac was also an important figure in this movement. habitually attached tonpost impressionist art.
Resultado de imagen de puntillismo moderno imagenes



It's  was introduce as a pigment in the 1860s.  Is very stable and photoresist  with a limited hiding power. Cerulean blue is a  true blue (not greenish or purplish) but it doesn't have the opacity of cobalt blue. In oil, it was particularly beneficial to painters who draws skies
The name "Cerulean blue" comes from Latin caeruleus = dark blue caelum which in turn probably derives from caelulum, diminutive of caelum, "heaven, sky"..

Examples of use by artsist

In this picture the artiste uses the cerulean blue for the sky. Its a light blue.


Oil paints are comprised of pigments  with oils,. The mixture of pigment and oil is then dried to the consistency of butter, causing the applied paint to dry slowly without changes in color intensity. When oil oxidizes, it forms a solid film that binds the pigments, allowing oil paintings to be enjoyed for hundreds of years.


Resultado de imagen de yogurt fresaI really love yogurt. My favourite yogurt is strawberry yogurt. I often eat it fives times a week for after dinner. It is good for me because it gives me calcium. It is very tasty.

Monday, 26 March 2018


 Model: A copy of an object like a plane or a house
 First aid kit: Medicine box
 Compass: Object thats indicates directions. West, East, South and North
 Charity: O.N.G
 Torch: It's an object, to see at night or in the darkness

Describing a photo

In this photo I playing basketball in a match. I'm wearing my basketball clothes, is black. I'm passing the ball to my patner and the opposing team is defending against me.

Self Assesment

1.I learn about describe a photo or picture
2.I can write a brief paragraphar
3.I can stand some information
4. A Little bit
5. Yes, I can
6.I do well the grammar
7.I need help with translation and listening
8.I do my homework and study the unit we are learning
9.I need to improve the translation and listening
10.I learn about differents schools in the world

Friday, 2 March 2018



    - The dot : it's the smallest and most simple element in art expression. It's first larget is to indicate a position since it doesn't follow any directions. It many have different qualities such as size, shape and color.

   - The dot three dimensional capacity : when the size, shapes and colors are changed, the dots can create visual sensations of spacial deepness and volume.
    - The dot expresive capacity : the point has a unlinited capacity to represent images and to express ideas and emotions. To do so, visual effects are used.

   - Optical mix: when colors are mixed with the help of distance. Paint isn't mixed on the palette or on the painting. The optical mix was used first by the pointillism

      - Symmetry : It is a quality of some shapes which some of their  parts are reflections of others.
      - Reflection symmetry : It's a shapes quality which it's formend by two halves facing each other with an axis or fold line in between as if both sides were mirror images of each other.
       - Symmetry axis : it is line which divides a shapes into two symmetry halves. Every element of the shape is reflected on the other side and at the same distance from the axis. Symmetric points are on perpendicular line to it.
      - Center symmetry : it is the reflection of a object throught a point called the symmetry center. Every symmetry point is on the other side and at the same distance from the center of symmetry. Symmetry pairs of points are collinear with the center.

     - Geometric symmetry : it s a kind of symmetry which follows accuralety the geometric symmetry rules.

     - Apparent symmetry : it's the quality of shapes or objets which show an obvious symmetry but not every point or element follows accuarately the geometric symmetry rules. It happens very frequenty in nature.

    - Symmetrycal balance : it's a way to organize parts of on image, picture or drawing so one side duplicates or mirrors the other.


Cloudy : nublado

Queues: cola

Crowded: When a place has a lot of people

Goggles: One thing thet helps you to see under water

Monday, 19 February 2018


The weather in Spain

  • Valladolid
  • Seville
  • Pamplona
Malaga is colder than Seville, but Pamplona is the coldest
Malaga is hotter than Pamplona, but Seville is the hottest
Malaga is cloudier than Seville, but Pamplona is the cloudiest

Tuesday, 30 January 2018