Thursday 28 November 2019



-The first humans arrived in Ireland between 7,000 and 6,000 BC, they lived off agriculture, fishing and food harvesting. 
-The Vikings attacked Ireland for the first time in 795. 
-In the ninth century they founded the first cities of Ireland: Dublin.
 St. Patrick was a Catholic missionary and is known as the patron saint of Ireland, he traveled all over Ireland trying to convert Christianity to the whole country and escaping when he was taken prisoner. He became popular for his generosity, his fierce opposition to slavery and his feminist attitudes

In 1921 michael businessed the Anglo-Irish independence treaty, thus getting the south side of the island to become an independent republic of England, 

Leprechauns are mythological and tiny beings, wearing a green suit and redbeard. More than a legend, it is one of the most representative characters of Irish culture. They say they have a bad temper and that in the past they were inhabitants of Ireland. They also say that they appear in forests and valleys, sometimes carrying a pot of gold coins.

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Tuesday 26 November 2019


Dull: something that is very boring
Plot: are the facts of a history
Performer the person that interprets a history

Sunday 24 November 2019


Setlle into: adapt to a new place
Confident: a person you trust
Well or badly behaved: person who has a good or bad behavior