The diet that I follow in a day:
Breakfast : Normally I have some cereals and milk wirh colacao
Morning snack: This day I had a ham sándwich
Lunch: I had lentils
Snack: I had biscuits
Dinner: I had fish (hake) and chips
Things that I can improve to eat healthier.
For the breakfast I can eat a piece of fruit or do a toast with tomatoe or oil.
For the morning snack I can eat fruit or a croissant or something like that .
For the lunch meat with vegetables or pasta.
For the snak I can eat something like the morning snack.
For dinner I can eat salad, soap, fish, red meat…
And I can eat fast food once a month or twice a month.
Musical meaning: significado musical
Rhythm: ritmo
Dot: puntillo
Drums: bateria
Bar: compás (el espacio del pentagrama)
Time signature: compás (la fracción numérica)
Tempo: ``tempo´´
Chordophone: cordófono
String: cuerda
Rub: frotar
Guitar pick: púa
Violoncello: violonchelo
Tuning peg: clavija
Brass: viento metal
Mouthpiece: boquilla
Oboe: oboe
Trumpet: trompeta
Percussion: percusión
Soprano: soprano
Tenor: tenor
Grand piano: piano``de cola´´
Ligature: ligadura
Snare drum: caja
Clap: palmada
Orchestra: orquesta
Conductor: director
Esemble: formación musical
Aerophone: aerófono
Bow: arco
Pluck: pulsa, puntear
Viola: Viola
Double bass: contrabajo
Harp: arpa
Wooodwind: viento madera
Saxophone: saxofón
Clarinet: clarinete
French horn: trompa
Amplifier: amplificador
Mezzo-soprano: mezzo-soprano
Baritone: barítono
Kettle drum: timbal
- I am going to sleep all day
- She isn´t going to talk to you
- You won´t come to class late
- You will watch television
1.-What can I do that I couldn't do before?
Now I can play the recorder better
2.-What I do like most?
I like watch videos
3.-What do I do well?
I do well the vocabulary and play the recorder
4.-What am I confused about?
I didn´t confunse in nothing
5.-What do I need help with?
I need help with the rhythms
6.-What do I do in English and /or music outside the class?
Sometimes I listen music in english
7.-What do I need to improve?
I need to improve the rhythms8.-What didI learn about culture?
I learn aboutv musicians