Sunday, 1 December 2019


  • What can I do now that I couldn't do before?
        I can do writings much better than before
  • What do I like most?
  • I like some oral activities
  • What do I do well?
        I think that I do well the writings
  • What do I need help with?
        I need help with the listenings 
  • What do I do in English outside the class?
  • Sometimes I see some things like videos in English
  • What do I need to improve?
         I need to improve the listenings
  • What did I learn about culture?
       I learnt about the culture of Australia and Ireland

Thursday, 28 November 2019



-The first humans arrived in Ireland between 7,000 and 6,000 BC, they lived off agriculture, fishing and food harvesting. 
-The Vikings attacked Ireland for the first time in 795. 
-In the ninth century they founded the first cities of Ireland: Dublin.
 St. Patrick was a Catholic missionary and is known as the patron saint of Ireland, he traveled all over Ireland trying to convert Christianity to the whole country and escaping when he was taken prisoner. He became popular for his generosity, his fierce opposition to slavery and his feminist attitudes

In 1921 michael businessed the Anglo-Irish independence treaty, thus getting the south side of the island to become an independent republic of England, 

Leprechauns are mythological and tiny beings, wearing a green suit and redbeard. More than a legend, it is one of the most representative characters of Irish culture. They say they have a bad temper and that in the past they were inhabitants of Ireland. They also say that they appear in forests and valleys, sometimes carrying a pot of gold coins.

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Tuesday, 26 November 2019


Dull: something that is very boring
Plot: are the facts of a history
Performer the person that interprets a history

Sunday, 24 November 2019


Setlle into: adapt to a new place
Confident: a person you trust
Well or badly behaved: person who has a good or bad behavior

Tuesday, 22 October 2019


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-Australia's cuisine is a true reflection of its history.
Some dishes from Australia are: 
-The typical dish of Australia is meatloaf as it is the national dish. It is made in two parts: on the one hand, the base and, on the other, the filling. The base is cooked with flour, butter and salt. The filling usually consists of minced meat, meat broth, flour, nutmeg, soy sauce and salt.
- Pavlova: This dessert is typical in both Australia and New Zealand and both countries fight for their origin. To make this traditional cake, whisk egg whites and add sugar, white vinegar and vanilla essence
-Kangaroo steak. It can be roasted, grilled or baked, and is usually tasted little done.
-Barramundi It is a fish originating in Australia, where its consumption is typical, it can be made in different ways: fried, baked, grilled or grilled
-Chiko roll: Its ingredients are:Col, carrot, veal, barley, wheat, celery and onion.All these foods are rolled up in a dough
The Australian Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeastern Australia. It was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1981. The Great Barrier Reef has been affected by increasing global warming. 
Sydney opera: it was designed by the Danish architect J. Utzon in 1957 and inaugurated on 20 October 1973 by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, in her role as Queen of Australia.
The Uluru, also called Ayers Rock, is a rocky formation composed of sandstone that is located in the center of Australia ,Uluru is one of the most famous natural icons of Australia. The rock formation rises 348 meters above the surrounding terrain, and 863 m. above sea level
Lord Howe Island is a small island in the Pacific Ocean 600 km east of the Australian continent. The group of islands that make up Lord Howe was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982
Melbourne Cricket Ground is a multi-purpose stadium where cricket, football, Australian football and Rugby are mainly practiced; Located in Melbourne's There plays home the Victory cricket team

Sunday, 23 June 2019


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  • What can I do that I couldn´t do before? 
    • Now I can presnt a work without being wrong.
  • What do I like most?
    • I like doing presentations .
  • What can I do well?
    • I do well the grammar.
  • What am I confused about?
    • I am confused about listenings.
  • What do I need help with?
    • I need help withe the listenings.
  • What do I do in English outside the class?
    • I watch some films in English 
  • What do I need to improve?
    • I need to improve the pronuntation 
  • What did I learn about culture?
    •  I learn about the culture in Florida

Thursday, 13 June 2019


Shy: tímido
Sting: picadura


Get sunburned: quemarse
Hire a car: alquilar un coche 
Career: carrera

Saturday, 8 June 2019


Retire: Jubilado
Move house : mudarse de casa
Sunbathe : tomar el sol

Tuesday, 30 April 2019


``Otra estrella en tu corazon´´ in the World Cup Russia in 2018

Another star in your heart was write for support Spain in the World Cup. Sergio Ramos, the capitan of Spain and Demarco Flamenco, a singer, wrote it and it has sixteen million reproductions on youtube.
The song was published on the 1-06-2018 and the musical genre is flamenco and Spanish song

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World Cup Russia 2018

Rhe football World Cup is an event where many countries around the world compete through matches and celebrate every four years. The event was held from June 14 to July 15, 2018 in Russia. 
Russia confirmed 12 stadiums in 11 cities for the World Cup: Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Samara, Saransk, Sochi and Volgograd, which will house the 64 World Cup games.

The champion was France, who defeated by 4-2 to Croatia.
Spain was eliminated in round 16 on July 1.

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Thursday, 25 April 2019


Genre: género.                 
Folk music: música folclórica.
World music: músicas del mundo.         
Popular music: música popular. 
Vinyl record: disco de vinilo.
Sacred music: música sacra.
Dance music: música de danza.
Soundtrack: banda sonora.
Choreography: coreografía.
Ballet: ballet.
Stage: escenario.
Improvisation: improvisación.
Flamenco: flamenco.
Synthesizer: sintetizador.
Middle Ages: Edad Media.
Renaissance: Renacimiento.
Baroque: Barroco.
Classicism: Clasicismo.
Romanticism: Romanticismo.
Twentieth Century Music: Música del Siglo XX.
Triplet: tresillo.
Anacrusis note: nota anacrúsica.
Fret: traste.
Gregorian chant: canto gregoriano.
Opera: ópera.
Program music: música programática.
Gothic Rock: Rock Gótico.
New Wave: "nueva ola".
Symphony: sinfonía.
Mass: misa.
Dissonance: disonancia.
Theme: tema musical (principal).
Stress: acento. 
Reed: lengüeta.
Polyphony: polifonía. 


Ver las imágenes de origen1.-What can I do that I couldn't do before?
I can do more or less the rhythms
2.-What do I like most?
I like most watch the videos
3.-What do I do well?

I do well play the recorder
4.-What am I confused about?
I confused about musical language
5.-What do I need help with?

I need help with the musical language
6.-What do I do in English and/or music outside the class?I
 dont´t do nothing
7.-What do I need to improve?

I need to improve the musical language
8.-What did I learn about culture?
I learnt about the history about some  instrumments

Monday, 8 April 2019



1. The Aston Villa  football club started in 1888
2. Villa park has got 43000 seats
3. Aston Villa won the European ccup in 1982
4. They haven´twon big championship for 25 years
5. Gordon Cowen played for Aston Villa 14 years 
6. Gordon Cowen has been thee coach of the Villa Youth team since 1999
7. Scott Bridge has been at Aston Villa since he was 11 years old
8. Sccott Bridge played since he was five years old
9. Brimingham is in thecentre  of England
10.The culb hass played at Villa Park for over 100 years

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Friday, 29 March 2019


Ver las imágenes de origenWhat can I do now that I couldn't do before?
Now  I know  different future simple and be going to.

What do I like most?I like most speak in english in class.

What do I do well?I do well the gramar.

What am I confused about?I'm confused about writing and listening

What do I need help with?I need help with the writings and listenings 

What do I do in English outside the class?I study at home.

What do I need to improve?I need to improve the translation and the writing.

What did I learn about culture?I learn some things about the  St.Patrick's day

Tuesday, 19 March 2019


Ver las imágenes de origenCHAPTERS 7-8
Was over: se terminó
Tour: ruta
Voyage: viaje

Boat: barco
Tomb: tumba
Afterlife: después de la vida
Treasures: tesoros
Bury: enterrar
Steal: robar
Walls: paredes
Carts: carritos
Locked: bloqueado
Wheel: rueda
Badly: mal
Pain: dolor
Badly injured: gravemente herido/lesionado
Unconscious: inconsciente


Wooden : de madera
Casket : ataúd
Mummy : momia
Damaged : causó daños en
Lead : guiar a
Affairs : asuntos
Foreign minister : ministro de asuntos exteriores
The curse of the mummy : la maldición de la momia 


Didn't trust : no se fiaba de
Truth : verdad
Guests : invitados
Missed : echaba de menos
Intended : destinada
Sarcophagus : sarcófago 

Friday, 15 March 2019


Earn: Ganar dinero ( saldo )
Messy: Desordenado
Pleased: Satisfecho
Annoyed: Irritado


 Environment: Medio ambiente
 Pollution: Contaminación
 Greenhouse gas: Gases de efecto invernadero
 Flu: Gripe

Thumb. Dedo gordo



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Wednesday, 6 March 2019


What period does the Middle Ages cover?
The Middle Ages lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the fall of the Roman Empire and finish with  the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.

What general characteristics does it have?(according to the teacher's comment)

-Feudalism, in which different social classes were distinguished: the nobility, the clergy and the peasants.
-Culture:many writings, stories,religions…
-The renacisme movements.

What is the main diference between"troubadours" and "minstrels"?
Troubadour: Provençal poet who in the Middle Ages composed and recited poems
Minstrel: Person who in the Middle Ages went from village to village amusing people with their songs, dances or games in exchange for money or gifts

What do you feel looking at these pictures (taken from the 19th century but directly linked to the Middle Ages)? In your own opinion, what kind of music could accompany these images?
When I look at this picture I feel Curiosity about what they did at that time
In my opinion I could accompany the first photo with a musicthat transmits victorius , the second with harp sounds and the last one that could put a romantic music

Why does Heavy Metal music love this aesthetic?
Because are related to dragons, castles.. Of that time and the songs want to convey about the Middle Ages

Thursday, 21 February 2019


The diet that I follow in a day:

Breakfast : Normally I have some cereals and milk wirh colacao
Morning snack: This day I had a ham sándwich
Lunch: I had lentils
Snack: I had biscuits
Dinner: I had fish (hake) and chips

Things that I can improve to eat healthier.

For the breakfast I can eat a piece of fruit or do a toast with tomatoe or oil.
For the morning snack I can eat fruit or a croissant or something like that .
For the lunch meat with vegetables or pasta.
For the snak I can eat something like the morning snack.
For dinner I can eat salad, soap, fish, red meat…
And I can eat fast food once a month or twice a month.

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Monday, 18 February 2019


Musical meaning: significado musical              
Rhythm: ritmo
Dot: puntillo
Drums: bateria
Bar: compás (el espacio del pentagrama)
Time signature: compás (la fracción numérica)
Tempo: ``tempo´´
Chordophone: cordófono
String: cuerda
Rub: frotar
Guitar pick: púa
Violoncello: violonchelo
Tuning peg: clavija
Brass: viento metal
Mouthpiece: boquilla
Oboe: oboe
Trumpet: trompeta
Percussion: percusión
Soprano: soprano
Tenor: tenor
Grand piano: piano``de cola´´

Ligature: ligadura
Snare drum: caja
Clap: palmada

Orchestra: orquesta
Conductor: director
Esemble: formación musical
Aerophone: aerófono
Bow: arco
Pluck: pulsa, puntear
Viola: Viola
Double bass: contrabajo
Harp: arpa
Wooodwind: viento madera
Saxophone: saxofón
Clarinet: clarinete
French horn: trompa
Amplifier: amplificador
Mezzo-soprano: mezzo-soprano

Baritone: barítono
Kettle drum: timbal


- I am going to sleep all day
- She isn´t going to talk to you    

- You won´t come to class late
- You will watch television

Wednesday, 6 February 2019


1.-What can I do that I couldn't do before?
Now I can play the recorder better
2.-What I do like most?
I like watch videos
3.-What do I do well?
I do well the vocabulary and play the recorder
4.-What am I confused about?
I didn´t confunse in nothing
5.-What do I need help with?
I need help with the rhythms
6.-What do I do in English and /or music outside the class?
 Sometimes I listen music in english
7.-What do I need to improve?
I need to improve the rhythms
8.-What didI learn about culture?

I learn aboutv musicians

Monday, 14 January 2019




Alone : solo 
Chief advisor : consejero jefe 
Chariots : carros 
Pulled: tiraban 
Excitement : emoción 
Waved : saludaba con la mano 
Anthem : himno 
Speeches : discursos 
Performed : actuaron 
Archery : tiro con arco 
Leader : lider 
Bow and arrow : arco y flecha 
Parade : desfile


Stable boy: Chico estable
Wrestling: Lucha
Sword fighting: Pelea de espadas
Luxurious: Lujoso
Weak: Débiles
Trainer: Entrenador
Pushed: Empujado
Ground:Suelo / Terreno
Embarrassed: Descorcertado/a
Yourself:Tu mismo
Fell in love with:Se enamoró de...


Bride : novia
Fan : abanico
Proud: orgulloso
Brave : valiente
Marriage : matrimonio
Chased : perseguido


My New Year's Resolutions are: 

- Travel more
- Save money
- Do more exercise

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Resultado de imagen de travel
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