Friday, 29 March 2019


Ver las imágenes de origenWhat can I do now that I couldn't do before?
Now  I know  different future simple and be going to.

What do I like most?I like most speak in english in class.

What do I do well?I do well the gramar.

What am I confused about?I'm confused about writing and listening

What do I need help with?I need help with the writings and listenings 

What do I do in English outside the class?I study at home.

What do I need to improve?I need to improve the translation and the writing.

What did I learn about culture?I learn some things about the  St.Patrick's day

Tuesday, 19 March 2019


Ver las imágenes de origenCHAPTERS 7-8
Was over: se terminó
Tour: ruta
Voyage: viaje

Boat: barco
Tomb: tumba
Afterlife: después de la vida
Treasures: tesoros
Bury: enterrar
Steal: robar
Walls: paredes
Carts: carritos
Locked: bloqueado
Wheel: rueda
Badly: mal
Pain: dolor
Badly injured: gravemente herido/lesionado
Unconscious: inconsciente


Wooden : de madera
Casket : ataúd
Mummy : momia
Damaged : causó daños en
Lead : guiar a
Affairs : asuntos
Foreign minister : ministro de asuntos exteriores
The curse of the mummy : la maldición de la momia 


Didn't trust : no se fiaba de
Truth : verdad
Guests : invitados
Missed : echaba de menos
Intended : destinada
Sarcophagus : sarcófago 

Friday, 15 March 2019


Earn: Ganar dinero ( saldo )
Messy: Desordenado
Pleased: Satisfecho
Annoyed: Irritado


 Environment: Medio ambiente
 Pollution: Contaminación
 Greenhouse gas: Gases de efecto invernadero
 Flu: Gripe

Thumb. Dedo gordo



Ver las imágenes de origen

Wednesday, 6 March 2019


What period does the Middle Ages cover?
The Middle Ages lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the fall of the Roman Empire and finish with  the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.

What general characteristics does it have?(according to the teacher's comment)

-Feudalism, in which different social classes were distinguished: the nobility, the clergy and the peasants.
-Culture:many writings, stories,religions…
-The renacisme movements.

What is the main diference between"troubadours" and "minstrels"?
Troubadour: Provençal poet who in the Middle Ages composed and recited poems
Minstrel: Person who in the Middle Ages went from village to village amusing people with their songs, dances or games in exchange for money or gifts

What do you feel looking at these pictures (taken from the 19th century but directly linked to the Middle Ages)? In your own opinion, what kind of music could accompany these images?
When I look at this picture I feel Curiosity about what they did at that time
In my opinion I could accompany the first photo with a musicthat transmits victorius , the second with harp sounds and the last one that could put a romantic music

Why does Heavy Metal music love this aesthetic?
Because are related to dragons, castles.. Of that time and the songs want to convey about the Middle Ages